Summer Camp Jobs
Looking for a summer job? Want to work at summer camp?
Imagine having multiple job options this summer! With GreatCampJobs by CampGroup you apply once and your application will be reviewed by camp directors from the best summer camps who are hiring now.
Work at Camp This Summer
Why Work at Summer Camp?
Working at summer camp is great for your career. If you are a college student considering a career in education, athletics, sports management, coaching, dance, theater, culinary arts, fine arts, child psychology or management, a camp experience allows you to learn and develop skills that will enhance your resume and job marketability.
Business executives often note that experience as a camp counselor translates into excellent management and personnel skills.
Paid Internships
Earn college credit working at camp! Many universities offer internship credit in various fields such as parks and recreation, education, child development, tourism, hospitality, sports management and more! Contact your school for more information.

Apply Today
Begin ApplicationTop 8 Reasons to Work at Camp
1. Make a Difference
On top of all the fun that you’ll have, working as a Camp Counselor is a really rewarding job. Counselors play a big part in shaping the lives of the young people they work with. The campers will look up to you and learn more than just skills from you. They will learn life lessons which will be a big part of their growing up. You’ll be amazed at the impact you will have on a child’s life in two short months when you work at camp.
2. Learn
You will learn so much about yourself at camp. You’re spending two months in a new environment and will be glad you embraced the opportunity. You’ll gain valuable new perspectives from interacting with campers and counselors from different walks of life. It’s truly incredible.

3. Build a Resume with Employability Skills that Employers Value
- Teamwork
- Creativity
- Leadership
- Dedicated Work Ethic
- Communication
- Conflict Resolution
- Public Speaking
- Planning & Organizing
- Problem Solving
- Decision Making

4. Be a Mentor/Learn From a Mentor
Not only will you learn from some of the best professionals in your field, you will be like a big brother or big sister to campers. Just as we go out of our way to train our staff and develop skills in teaching, coaching and child development, you will in turn teach campers the invaluable skills of independence, personal growth, teamwork, goal setting and more.
5. Outdoor Office
It is pretty awesome getting to work in the great outdoors in a beautiful setting on a lake. While your friends are doing the 9-5 job, you are living, working and playing in the great outdoors! Camp provides adventures and activities you will not experience elsewhere.
6. Feel Super Healthy
You’re outside, moving around all day, playing sports, and participating in other various activities. All that fresh air, sunshine, and movement will have you feeling healthy and active for the start of the next school year!
7. The Summer Camp Traditions
Olympics, color war, campfires, stargazing, July 4th, s’mores, group sing, the dance off… Outside of all the regular activities there are so many camp traditions that happen every summer. Some of your fondest memories of summer will be participating in special events and traditions.
8. Life Long Friendships
Camp is a unique environment because it’s the ultimate team endeavor. Counselors are surrounded by people who are like-minded in many ways and come with a similar appetite for adventure. On camp departure day counselors have a network of friendships that extend from coast to coast and around the world!
“It was the best summer of my life” - Said by just about everyone who ever worked at camp!
About Us
GreatCampJobs connects people seeking meaningful summer jobs and internships with unique opportunities to work at overnight and day camps. We partner with CampGroup’s network of summer camps to match applicants directly with Camp Directors who are looking for enthusiastic, energetic, and dedicated team members. CampGroup’s camps are among the best summer camps in the United States.